A regular exercise regime is essential for a healthy and happy lifestyle. Physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight range, improves body strength and fitness, and has positive psychological effects.
The 4 most important types of exercises are strengthening exercises, stretching exercises, balancing exercises, and endurance exercises.

Strengthening exercise
Regular strength training will help you feel more confident and capable of daily tasks like gardening, and lifting heavier objects around the house.
Stretching exercise / Flexibility training
Stretching can improve your flexibility.
Balance exercise
Balance exercise helps prevent falls, a common problem in older adults.
Endurance exercise/ Aerobic exercise
Endurance exercises often referred to as aerobic, increase your breathing and heart rates. These activities help keep you healthy, improve your fitness, and help you perform the tasks you need to do every day.
According to your goal, you can choose specific exercises. First, you should consult a physiotherapist and get advice on choosing exercises.
According to the goals, there are exercises for health and exercise for body image.
The goals of exercise for health are to lose weight, to improve muscle strength, to maintain body fitness, to improve flexibility.
The goals of exercise for body image are to building muscle and to maintain tone.
To improve muscle strength
Strengthening exercises
Strength training, sometimes called resistance or power training, builds up muscles with repetitive motion using resistance from free weights, weight machines, elastic bands.
Eg :-
Push-ups and pull-ups using your body weight as resistance.
Squats, curls, or shoulder presses using dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bands, or tubes.
Deadlifts or bench presses using a weight bar.
Exercising with weight machines in a gym or fitness center.
To improve body fitness
To increase your fitness, you must constantly push yourself to improve from week to week.
Aerobic exercises
150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity
Eg :-
Brisk walking
Water aerobics
Weight training
75 minutes per week of vigorous-intensity activity
Eg :-
🔸 Jogging
🔸 Running
🔸 Riding a bike fast or on hills
Skipping rope
3️⃣ To lose weight
Start according to the fitness level of the person and increase the intensity gradually. Weight loss activities increase your heart rate.
Eg :-
🔸 Running
🔸 Riding
🔸 Swimming
🔸 Aerobics
4️⃣ To improve balance
✅ Balance exercises
Improving your balance makes you feel steadier on your feet and helps prevent falls.
Eg :-
🔸 Standing on one foot (with your eyes open or closed)
🔸 Walking heel to toe
🔸 Tai chi
5️⃣ To maintain flexibility
✅ Stretching exercises
stretching the muscles routinely makes them longer and more flexible, which increases the range of motion and reduces pain and the risk for injury.
stretching every day or at least three or four times per week.
Warm-up your muscles first, with a few minutes of dynamic stretches. Then perform static stretches (holding a stretch position for up to 60 seconds) for the calves, the hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, and the muscles of the shoulders, neck, and lower back.
6️⃣ To building muscle
The most effective way to build muscle is to lift weights
7️⃣ To maintain tone
Lifting weights will help you to tone your muscles.
Eg :-
🔸 Resistance training
🔸 Yoga
🔸 Swimming
🔸 Tai chi
Imesha Malshani