Aerobic exercise training is the best way to score well on a treadmill test that measures aerobic capacity. It’s great for health. But intense workouts carry a risk for injury, and aerobic exercise is hard work. Running also very splendid for fitness and health. Ordinary guys often assume that less intense exercise is a waste of time. So many people are used with moderate exercises like walking and jogging.
What is Jogging?
Jogging is a form of sustained running or trotting at a steady and slow pace. It is much slower than running but faster than walking.
What are the benefits of walking and jogging?

Helps in weight loss
A half-hour jog easily burns around 300 calories.
Jogging boosts metabolism and is more effective than mere walking.
Jogging not only burns fat but also helps you maintain your weight.
Improves bone strength
Jogging strengthens the bones and prevents bone traumas and injuries.
It improves the bone thickness and wards off problems like osteoporosis osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Develops muscles
Jogging helps your body become more toned.
It works on the large muscles and develops them.
Keeps the mind healthy
When you jog, your body releases hormones called endorphins that help lift your spirit and make you feel positive about yourself.
Good for the heart
Jogging ensures that blood is pumped faster to the heart and thus maintains blood pressure.
Cholesterol and blood glucose levels are also under control.
Boosts the respiratory system
Jogging enhances the lung capacity and strengthens the muscles of the respiratory system.
This ensures that the lung takes in more oxygen and efficiently remove carbon dioxide.
Prevents infections and communicable diseases
Jogging is known to stimulate the production of lymphocytes and macrophages that combat infections in the body.
It helps to fight viral infections like flu and common cold and also some bacterial infections.
Curbs mental stress
It reduces stress and tension and also clears the mind of unnecessary thoughts.
Anti-ageing benefits
Because jogging ensures that the skin receives more oxygen and blood.
Builds the immune system
Boosts the production of white blood cells.
The correct way of Jogging
Correct medical advice before starting jogging. (If you are over 40 years of age or have any chronic disease or are over-weight you should consult your Physiotherapist)
Warm-up and stretching
Always start with walking, 30 minutes every day.
Once you fall in rhythm then you can begin jogging.
Increase the duration of your jogging session gradually.
Always carry a water bottle with you.
Dress appropriately
Early mornings or evenings are best
Rest is vital
Walking doesn’t require any instructions or skill. You can get all the benefits of moderate exercise with a very low risk of injury. And also walking and jogging is inexpensive. All things considered, Charles Dickens got it right: “Walk to be healthy, walk to be happy”.
Sachini Gunasekara