If your weight is lower than normal, you have to get to know the reason behind it. It may be due to your lifestyle (not having a balanced diet or over-exercising), your job, genetic factors, psychological factors or may be due to a medical condition. Though some people think that being lean is often good for your health, poor nutrition increases the risk of certain medical conditions like anaemia and osteoporosis. If you are not gaining weight because of your lifestyle, you can try this out.
Having a healthy diet and doing regular exercises help you to gain and maintain your body weight within a healthy range. To gain weight you can increase muscle mass. Exercise, especially strength training, can help you gain weight by building up your muscles. The exercise program should be carried out at least two or three times per week. Remember to take advice from a specialist to reduce the risk of injury. A properly designed exercise regime, under the supervision of a Physiotherapist, will help you to achieve your goal.
Only doing exercise is not enough to gain weight. You have to go through your lifestyle and seek if something is affecting your health. You may work hard or work through the whole night. So you should make a proper working schedule. Remember to take food on time. Don’t miss your meals. Just find some way to keep your mind in relaxing. Don’t stress out.
But if you have a medical condition you have to seek medical advice.

Pushups are simple and help to build muscles in your arms and shoulders.
You’ll need some kind of pull-up bar or sturdy cylindrical object to do pull-ups. Otherwise, this exercise is a simple way to build arm and shoulder muscles.
This exercise helps to build muscles in your butt and legs, especially your quadriceps femoris (quads) muscles.
Walking Lunges
You can do this exercise anywhere. It’s great for bulking up and toning your leg and butt muscles.
Crunches involve to strength some of your abdominal muscles.
Bench press
For this exercise, you’ll need a flat bench to lie on and a weighted bar. Don’t overload the bar, though, because you can injure yourself. Bench presses help to build shoulder, tricep, and chest muscles. This is a good exercise for bulking up. The more weight you can bench, the more muscle you’ll build. You may want to perform this exercise with the help of a spotter for safety.
Bench dips
The bench press is a great way to add lean muscle mass in Triceps and Shoulders.
Record your progress
Healthily gaining weight takes more time. It may differ from person to person. You may feel disappointed with the slow process. So, it is good to record your progress. It may be an encouragement to you. You can measure your weight on a weekly or monthly basis, record and check the progress.
This information provided is general and furnished only for educational purposes. There are many types of muscle build exercises and consult with your Physiotherapist to find out what exercises work best for you, the intensity you need, the number of workouts you should do, and the time you need to perform.
Janani Liyanage
Samudya Amarasekara