Excessive accumulation of body fat around your stomach/ abdomen is known as abdominal obesity. If you are living a sedentary life, not all the calories that you gain through the food are burnt. Therefore the body converts these excessive calories into fat and deposits them. If you have a very large belly it shows red flags that the excessive body fat might have deposited around your vital organs such as liver, heart too.
Remember the basics. The only way to reduce visceral fat is to lose weight and the only way to do that is to burn up more calories with exercise than you take in from food. Sustained weight loss requires both caloric restriction and increased exercise.
Here are some tips.

Choose your meals appropriately
Avoid taking high-calorie foods.
Reduce oily and instant foods.
Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.
Do aerobic exercises at least 30 mins per day, 5 days per week.
Brisk walking
Stair climbing
Treadmill walking
Control your stress
Listen to music
Read a storybook
Take enough sleep
Kasuni Hasintha