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Lung cancers & Physiotherapy

This is behalf on pulmonary cancer prevention month


Lung cancer

  • The leading type of cancer diagnosed in males.

  • 4th most common cancer in females.

  • The leading cause of cancer death.

  • The most common cause is tobacco smoking

  • Other causes are,

- Exposure to second-hand smoking,

- Exposure to asbestos and other occupational dust and chemicals,

- Having other lung diseases

- Being an older age

- Genetic preposition

- Usually seen in people over 60 years

Aim of Physiotherapy

Before surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy

To maximize your physical fitness

  • To help you tolerate treatment better

  • Speed up your recovery

During chemotherapy or radiotherapy

To keep you fit, reduce symptoms & maximize your quality of life & psychological status.

After surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy

To restore any loss in fitness & muscle strength

Maximize your functional abilities, psychological status & quality of life for the long term.


Aerobic exercises

  • 30 minutes

  • At least 5 days per week

  • Examples

Brisk walking


Stationary bike


Strengthening exercises

  • 2-3 days per week

  • To keep your muscles strong

Pulmonary rehabilitation

  • Involves supervised group exercise, education & support


- How to understand your disease

- How to best manage your symptoms

- How to stop smoking/cut down(if you are a smoker)

- How to eat a healthy diet

  • Exercising in a group environment

  • Once/twice a week for 6-8 weeks

Balance exercises(if you had fallen)

Effective physiotherapy for lung cancer

  • Can do 150 minutes/more of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week (Eg-walking)

  • 2-3 session of resistance training per week

  • Avoiding sedentary time

Benefits of physiotherapy

  • Improving exercise capacity(fitness)

  • Improving muscle strength

  • Reducing cancer symptoms

  • Reducing depression

  • Reducing anxiety

  • Reducing cancer distress

  • Improving the quality of life

Higher physical activity levels after diagnosis of certain types of cancer
  • Reduced rates of mortality

The best thing to do at home is to exercise daily & lead to exercise daily & lead an active lifestyle.

  • 30 minutes of exercise on most days of the week

Brisk walking is safe & easy to achieve this

  • Aim to do 10,000 steps every day

Anchala Sivasubramaniyam


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