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Vimukthi Chandula

🔵It occurs when the patella is knocked out of its place. It can occur as a result of direct, forceful trauma or due to movement putting excessive pressure on the patella. Damage may also be done to the surrounding bones, cartilages, muscles and ligaments during dislocation. You can't walk with the patellar dislocation. The knee will either be locked and unable to straighten or bend, or it will catch and pop when you try to bend it. A dislocated knee cap if not properly treated can lead to frequent spontaneous dislocation in the future.


🔵Types of patellar dislocation.


🔹Acute patellar dislocation.

 This  is caused by force, either from a direct impact or a bad step that uses your own body weight against you. A heavy fall or collision can knock the kneecap out of place. It may be caused by something as simple as a sudden turn that twists the knee while the lower leg is still firmly planted. Athletes and dancers, who are prone to quick pivots, are common victims of this.

 Some people have patellar instability which means that the tendons and ligaments that hold the kneecap in place are already loose and unstable. This might be caused by a previous injury or by another preexisting anatomical condition. An unstable kneecap will dislocate more easily.


🔹Congenital patellar dislocation.

These patients  are born with the condition. It is often  related to other developmental abnormalities.


🔵Symptoms of patellar dislocation.


🔸An audible pop.

🔸Buckling of the knee.

🔸Intense pain.

🔸Sudden swelling and a lump on lateral side / outer side of knee.

🔸Bruising at the knee.

🔸Locking of the knee.

🔸Inability to walk.

🔸Kneecap visually out of place.


🔵Risk factors for patellar dislocation.

◻️Individuals who have weak leg muscles or an imbalance in strength of their respective legs may put unneeded pressure on their knee joint.

◻️Women have been shown to be at a higher risk for patellar dislocation than men. because women tend to have wider hips, causing the thigh bones slant inward and join the knee at a wider  angle. (Q angle)

    In healthy males its about 14 0 and healthy females is about 17 0

◻️One’s patella may be misaligned or sits unnecessarily high (Patella alta)on the femoral groove.

◻️People with patellar instability, especially if they have already dislocated their patella.

◻️Individuals who are severely overweight and tall, whose joints are under more pressure.

◻️Genu valgum (knock knees).


🔵First Aid.

◼️ If you have knee pain and suspect you have dislocated your patella, first follow the R.I.C.E. principle to minimize swelling and control inflammation around the knee.


🔵Treatment and physiotherapy management

to prevent recurrence.

🔹To prevent the patella from being re-dislocated or injured, leg will be placed in an immobilizing state  by  bracing or taping for a period of time.

🔹You may be given crutches to walk with for a few days or weeks while healing occurs.

🔹In management of patella dislocation, Physiotherapy can be used to Prevent further dislocation  improve muscle strength, increase joint range of motion, reduce pain, control inflammation and improve joint mechanics and Improve stability of the knee.



Iyal Spelman.

Thisaru Bandara.





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