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Role of Physiotherapy in COVID-19

Vimukthi Chandula

It has been more than a year since the first case of COVID-19 emerged. From the beginning, physiotherapists are one key group working hard to help people throughout this pandemic and physiotherapists who work in primary healthcare facilities will likely play a part in the management of patients admitted to hospital with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. So, they are well prepared on current COVID-19 guidance and are able to play a crucial role in particular, cardiorespiratory physiotherapy focuses on the management of acute and chronic respiratory conditions and aims to improve physical recovery following an acute illness. Physiotherapy is beneficial in the respiratory treatment and physical rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19.

Physiotherapists are also often first contact practitioners, which means that they are in a position to take responsibility for the early identification of infectious disease and managing workload in primary care settings.

Physiotherapists play main roles in

  • primary care,

  • community care and

  • acute care of COVID-19 rehabilitation.

As mentioned earlier, physiotherapists may help in triage emphasizing and early identification of cases and avoiding transmission in primary care. Community-based physiotherapists will actively contribute to the rehabilitation of patients recovering from COVID-19 and help reduce the risk of readmission to hospital for these patients. In acute care which is done at hospitals, the emphasis will be on the management of respiratory symptoms. In some instances, the illness includes severe pneumonia, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, sepsis and septic shock. In these cases, the physiotherapist may find themselves involved in the respiratory care of the patient.

Early rehabilitation and mobilization involve helping to get patients up and moving. In intensive care, physiotherapists who are having previous cardiorespiratory and critical care experience, help patients clear their lungs, as well as improve lung capacity and oxygen levels increasing lung functionality. Although a productive cough is a less common symptom, physiotherapy may be indicated if patients with COVID-19 present with copious airway secretions that they are unable to clear independently. Physiotherapists who practice in the ICU environment may also provide airway clearance techniques for ventilated patients who show signs of inadequate airway clearance and they can assist in positioning patients with severe respiratory failure associated with COVID-19, including the use of prone position to optimize oxygenation. Techniques to facilitate secretion clearance include assisted or stimulated cough maneuvers and airway suctioning. Non-invasive ventilation may be applied as part of airway clearance strategies in the management of respiratory failure or during exercise.

Physiotherapists prescribe,

  • ️ musculoskeletal,

  • ️ neurological and

  • ️ cardiopulmonary rehabilitation tasks like range of motion exercises and,

  • ️ assist patients to mobilize.

Physiotherapists also play an integral role in the management of patients with a tracheostomy. COVID-19 poses significant considerations for respiratory physiotherapy interventions due to their aerosol-generating procedures.

And also, many people are facing weeks of isolation in quarantine. Physiotherapists are the main professional care takers who are promoting health at these times proacting in offering health maintenance strategies including physical activity, nutrition, sleep and mind.

From a key role in intensive care to recovery rehabilitation, physiotherapists are working on the frontline to help COVID-19 patients recover. Rehabilitation in the recovery phase is a key responsibility of physiotherapists in collaboration with the multidisciplinary team, including occupational therapists, speech and language therapists, dieticians and psychologists. Musculoskeletal physiotherapists are contributing in the rehabilitation phase to assist recovered COVID-19 cases return to full function making close their previous life style.


Sankalani De Silva

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