Spina bifida is a type of neural tube defect. The neural tube is the structure that eventually develops into the baby's brain and spinal cord. The neural tube starts to form in early pregnancy and closes about 4 weeks after conception. In spinal Bifida, part of the neural tube does not develop or close properly, leading to defects in the spinal cord and bones of the spine. As a result, the child is born with a part of the spinal cord exposed on the back. It is diagnosed at birth by the presence of an external sac on the infant's back and the sac contains meninges and spinal cord tissues. This defect may occur at any point along the spine but is most commonly located in the lumbar region.

Types of spina bifida
There are 3 most common types of spina bifida.
🔹 Spina bifida occulta
🔹 Meningocele
🔹 Myelomeningocele
Spina bifida occulta
Spina bifida occulta is the mildest type of spina bifida. With spina bifida occulta, no opening or sac on the back. Spinal cord and the nerves are normal. This type of spina bifida usually does not cause any disabilities.
In meningocele condition, a sac of fluid comes through an opening in the baby's back. But the spinal cord is not in the sac. There is usually little or no nerve damage. This type of spina bifida can cause minor disabilities.
Myelomeningocele is the most serious type of spina bifida. With this condition, a sac of fluid comes through an opening in the baby's back. Part of the spinal cord and nerves are in this sac and are damaged. This type of spina bifida causes moderate to severe disabilities.
Causes of spina bifida
No one knows for sure what causes spina bifida. Scientists think it may be a combination of the environment and family history or a lack of folic acid (vitamin B) in the mother's body.
Risk factors of spina bifida
Mother's age - spina bifida is more common in teen mothers
History of miscarriage - A woman who has had miscarriages in the past has a higher risk
Birth order - firstborn babies are at higher risk
Socioeconomic status - children born into lower socioeconomic families are at higher risk for spina bifida
Sometime there is a tuft of hair or a birthmark at the site of the defect
Sometimes there is a sac on the baby's back
Leg muscles weakness
Unusually shaped feet
Uneven hips
Curved spine ( scoliosis)
Bowel or bladder problems
Difficult to breathing, swallowing or moving their upper limbs
Physiotherapy treatment can be given for children with spina bifida after surgery is extremely important as it helps the child to develop an efficient and purposeful movement that can be incorporated into everyday tasks.
Hashini Ruhunage